Yorkstone Images Gallery 1

Images of yorkstone paving, yorkstone flagstone and other yorkstone and Quarry related subjects. To see each picture in a bigger format, click on the image. More pictures will be added Daily.

Yorkstone History

Yorkstone has been quarried since the 1400’s and in the 18th and 19th centuries a very large industry developed exploiting the sandstones (Yorkstone) of the Millstone Grit ‘Namurian’ and the coal measures ‘westphalian’ for Masonry, Flagstones and for Roofing know locally as thackstones or Grey Slate. The Yorkstone Quarries or Delves first worked the outcrop […]


Find yorkstone  and yorkstone products used in today’s Construction, Building, DIY and Gardening projects including, yorkstone paving, yorkstone riven paving yorkstone sawn paving, yorkstone walling and other york stone related products. Yorkstone is a natural stone of very high quality and durability, it is a sedimentary sandstone formed over 300 million years ago in the […]